There's the best face shots of Flppto and the droid in the entire book. And by best, I mean I wish they were both dead.
Before we can finish our analysis, the name of that one guy we know from that one time is added to the new message. I think the real question is, Do We Care?
Are we still going to act paranoid, thinking this is an Evil Power Master trick (Branch AJ), or are we actually going to act on this and try to help people (Branch AK)? Poor Colin, if only he knew the people pulling the strings behind our decisions, he wouldn't even bother with the SOS.
Let's hold our horses over here shall we? Last time we landed on that asteroid or what ever it was the giant bug sliced us to half.
This time things can't be any better can they? Let's us sit back and watch how they get sliced up and then change the area to an better place called as Promished Land.
Wahh? That seems strange after I thought about it for a little bit. Too strange? Well, I hope those two freak shows can hurry up with that analysis, because I elect we don't move until they are finished.
Each time I say follow the SOS, and I still say so.
Colin eh?
i´m sure our cousin is the only colin in the universe so if it is colin it´s our colin...
but since colin is related to us it´s pretty likely that he is just as incompetent as we are so i´m not sure if i realy want to find him...
there is no time to think only to act... so let´s analyze some more maybe we find out colin aka our cousin is the EPM which would make us the Evil Power Cousin
Even if it IS an Evil Power Master trick, it's probably Colin being held captive by the Evil Power Master. While I may not appreciate the Commander's family, I do have a soft spot in my heart for my own cousins, so I suggest we go check it out, just to make sure the guy's alright.
Note that I am fully aware we will probably get some horrible ending by doing this, and get a series of secondary options if we ignore Colin's cries for help. *Shrug* I think we should just go see if it is, in fact, Colin.
Though it's not like Colin is a strange name...it could just be a well-chosen name...or an entirely different Colin that has no relation to the Commander at all.
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