Now, I'll be totally honest here: I wouldn't refer to the Evil Power Master as an old friend. I would call him "Psychotic Malcontent", "Focused Laser User", or "Hungry Hungry Hatemonger". And I don't think talking to this congress was such a good idea after all... look at em. There's the flying guy, the tall guy, and some liquid-balls-with-eyes things floating around. These guys couldn't agree on a hat on Hat Day, much less how to deal with an enemy as deadly as the Evil Power Master.

I wish the United States congress would say "There is no time to think. There is only time to act." more often; I would be able to get away with punching them in the face more often. So instead of making a reasonable search for the guy, you're going to follow your hunches and look for him on Lacoos, a planet likely to get blown up. When they find him, it's probably just going to be a transceiver radio wearing a tophat and monocle.
Questions to consider: How do you believe the Evil Power Master will decide what the third planet to disappear shall be? Also, we're going to need a picture of a transceiver radio wearing a tophat and monocle.
Are we going to face this menace without Tara's help (F) or invite her along (G)? Please keep in mind that both answers will result with insipid dialogue.
We don't need freaky meditating person's help.
I say you should go by yourself. That person freaks me out.
I... don't know. I guess go it alone, DC NEEDS NO HELP!
Go it alone. DC NEEDS NO HELP!
Go alone. This is choose MY own adventure, not some crazy congresswoman's.
I say bring her. What's the worst that can happen?
Seeing as the dialog will probably make me sad anyway, who cares?
take her DC she might die if shes with you
Evil Power Master will decide the third planet by pointing his focused lasers at a random planet pinned to a dartboard; the first planet the beam reaches after punching through the wall will be the chosen planet.
Ditch the woman, she'll only break a heel and slow you down.
Take her along! Cannon fodder is always fun. Heh...
Also, he should totally choose planet 3 with darts.
It's not really random per se. The third planet to be destroyed will be the home planet of the girl that turned EPM down for the high school prom.
Here ya go.
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