Travel by speed of thought, from point A to point B, for the Commander and Flppto takes 27 minutes. I just want you to think about that for a minute. Speed of thought for most people is pretty fast. If we could think ourselves to another location, it'd be pretty snappy. But it takes these idiots 27 minutes. Therein lies our problem. Also, the Commander can't even do it right without breaking something. He probably connected his spleen to his throat. It's a wonder the fool is even still alive.

Faaantastic. The last time we followed a beam of light anywhere, it turned out to be an Old-Beam that kills us instantly. How about you go first, Sartan.
Sadly enough, we have to venture to (D) The Void or Niro, or (E) Follop. Choose wisely, as each of these branches takes up an entire quarter of the book. We're gonna be there a while before we get to the other one. And maybe this time the places won't kill us instantly.
Lets charge to our doom in the dangerous void.. should be fun.
If you go to the Void, be on the lookout for Apanda(sorry, FFV joke)
Void. Of. Niro~
Seriously, the possibility of black hole-esque deaths is too awesome to pass up.
I say we go to Follop.
The void of whatever definitely sounds cooler. I say we go there.
Wow...things start off with about as little promise as possible...that sucks.
"Follop" sounds too much like a place Flppto would enjoy...I say we head for 'Da Void, just to spite our co-worker.
I spent the best years of my life in a void... I say we go there!
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