Nuts! This is the worst plan of all time. Wait around and get held hostage. The good news is that Tara might die. The bad news is that we have to reset the Rapid Force sign that says "305 days without a hostage situation!" back to 0. Thanks a lot Tara, I might shoot you myself.
Our choices suck. Branch AB, Surrender (I can't imagine why we'd do this) or Branch AC, Don't Surrender (I can't imagine why we'd do this either). Take your pick! Why the heck did we tell Tara she could come along anyway.
Branch AC! Never give up, never surrender! Love Conquers all!
I Motion the one where whatzername gets shot, as that's likely to be a game over.
We all hate you, Tara or whatever.
never give up! let her die!
AC. The Rapid Force doesn't give into terrorist demands.
Also, you misnamed the blog "With With The Evil Power Master". As in, there's two 'With's, right next to each other as a matter of fact.
I say don't surrender. Their either bluffing, or she is gonna die giving you a valid reason to kill them. Either way they lose.
A lizard / sloth.. hmm.. slow movements.. well im pretty sure that i could kick a lizards ass.. but a sloth... hmm... lets hope its more lizard then sloth.. I vote REFUSE to SURRENDER.
Surrendering would bring us to the true lair of the Evil Power Master more quickly. We could do a derring-do escape from jail and then ninja-kick the EPM until he stops twitching.
But if take the other choice, The congresswoman dies. I'm going with that one.
KEEL HER!!1!!1!one!
I say don't surrender. I'm sure that way will only end in death.
If you don't surrender, then they will save you the time it would take to kill her.
Let them kill her, nobody cares.
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